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Marshall County, Indiana

The homepage for the government of Marshall County, Indiana

Surveyor's Office

Welcome to the Marshall County Surveyor’s Office

Your county surveyor is a constitutional officer of the county and is elected to term from the county at large. The primary duties of the Surveyor, in accordance with the Indiana Code are as follows:

Annexation Descriptions

The County Surveyor maintains annexation descriptions and dis-annexation descriptions for each city and town and must certify to the State Election Board the annexations and the Census Tracts involved.

Legal Surveyor Book

The County Surveyor maintains a legal survey record book for all legal surveys within the county. A legal survey is a survey prepared by a registered land surveyor with notice to all adjoining landowners to resolve property disputes.

Section Corner Perpetuation

The County Surveyor must keep and maintain a corner record book showing original government section corners. The surveyor must check and reference at least 5% of all corners shown in the Corner Record Book and establish, locate and reference at least 5% of all original corners.

County Drainage Board

The Surveyor is an ex-officio, non voting, member of the County Drainage Board. In this capacity the County Surveyor is the technical authority on the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of all regulated drains or proposed regulated drains in the county. The Board and Surveyor have jurisdiction over regulated drains. Regulated drains are drains established by either the Commissioners Court or Circuit Court of each county prior to 1965 or the Drainage Board since 1965. These drains are open ditches or tile drains or a combination. These can also be municipal storm sewers.

Filter Strips

The County Surveyor administers the filter strip program. Filter strips are strips of vegetation (grass) along open streams and ditches. The strips are a minimum of 20 feet in width to a maximum of 75 feet in width. The purpose of the strip is to filter silt out of surface water runoff so that the silt does not enter the stream or ditch.

Plan Commission

The County Surveyor is normally a member of the County Plan Commission. As a member of the Commission they attend the monthly meeting and hear and make decisions on subdivisions and planning. They are often looked to for technical review of plats.

Certification to ABC

Prior to the Indiana Alcoholic Beverage Commission issuing a new Alcoholic Beverage Permit in an unincorporated area, the County Surveyor must certify that the permit location is within a one (1) mile radius of a settlement or group of residences in the unincorporated area that has been in existence for more than 10 years. The area must be a place for purchases or public meetings or as a community or neighborhood center.

The County Surveyor is a valuable asset to your county. Your County Surveyor maintains files of old surveys as well as aerial photography and is a good source of survey data for local surveyors.

Note: Section Corners are now available on County GIS Site.

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Contact Us

Craig Cultice,
County Surveyor
Marshall County Building
112 W Jefferson St
Room 301
Plymouth, IN 46563
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 935-8530
  • Fax: (574) 936-4863
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a..m. - 4:00 p.m.

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