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Marshall County, Indiana

The homepage for the government of Marshall County, Indiana

Child Support

Contact Us

Prosecutor's Office

E. Nelson Chipman, Jr.
112  W. Jefferson Street
Plymouth, Indiana 46563

P: 574-935-8677
F: 574-936-9456

County Clerk

Jenny Bennitt
211 W. Madison Street
Plymouth, Indiana 46563

P: 574-936-8922

Getting your Child Support

March 2023 Update:  Indiana is currently converting to a new child support computer system.  You may experience payment delays and delayed response time from child support workers. Teams are committed to providing the best possible service as quickly as possible.  We appreciate your patience while we work to minimize disruptions to payment and case processing. Thank you!


Coronavirus Relief Payments and Child Support FAQ

Establishment and Enforcement of Child Support Orders

In Indiana, prosecutor’s offices provide one-stop shopping for establishment and enforcement of child support. Prosecutors provide the following:

  1. Establishment of paternity
  2. Location of parents owing child support
  3. Establishment of child support orders
  4. Enforcement of child support orders
  5. Establishment of insurance orders
  6. Enforcement of medical expenses

How to Get Help With Child Support

To get help with child support, custodial parents should make an appointment with the child support division of the prosecutor’s office. Custodial parents should be prepared to ask for the specific establishment or enforcement action they want performed by the prosecutor’s office. For example, tell the prosecutor if you want paternity established, an income withholding order or criminal charges filed. Custodial parents should be prepared to supply the following information to the prosecutor’s office.

  1. The full legal name of the non-custodial parent and all other names the non-custodial parent has used.
  2. The date of birth of the non-custodial parent.
  3. The Social Security number of the non-custodial parent.
  4. The driver’s license number of the non-custodial parent.
  5. The last known address of the non-custodial parent.
  6. The names and address of all present and former employers of the non-custodial parent.
  7. All known information about the actual and potential assets of the non-custodial parent.
  8. Legible copies of all existing court orders that affect the child support obligation, including any marriage dissolution orders.
  9. An accurate record of all child support payments already made by the non-custodial parent.
  10. The names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of the children whom the custodial parent is seeking support.
  11. A paternity questionnaire and a birth certificate for each child for whom support is sought, if paternity is an issue.
  12. The non-custodial parent’s birthplace and his or her parent’s names.

Tips for Keeping Track of Your Child Support Records

  • Record and organize all vital information on your child support case.
  • Save all Court Orders
  • Create a payment history record
  • Create a correspondence and telephone log

Tips for Getting Action from a Child Support Agency

  • Make an appointment with the child support division of your prosecutor’s office.
  • Specifically request the action you want taken on your child support case.
  • Take all relevant records with you to the appointment

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