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Marshall County, Indiana

The homepage for the government of Marshall County, Indiana

Victim Assistance

What Does Victim’s Assistance Do?

The purpose of Victim Assistance is to provide resources and services to any victim of crime in Marshall County. This includes, but is not limited to, victims of domestic violence, rape, burglary, theft, and battery. Victim Assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no charge for this service. After hours, someone can be reached by contacting any law enforcement agency.

The Marshall County Victim Assistance Office was created in 1987 as a part of the Marshall County Prosecutor’s Office to better serve the victims of crime in Marshall County. Seventy five percent of the funding for the office comes from Federal and State grants with the remainder from county funding.


The Heminger House in Plymouth is a local shelter that serves Marshall County and surrounding areas. The Heminger House is committed to empowering victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The shelter is used to provide temporary living arrangements for women and children. The long term mission of the staff at Heminger House is to break the cycle of violence and poverty by providing a caring, healing and educational service for victims of abuse. The shelter is available 24 hours a day at 574-936-SAFE (7233).

Financial Assistance

Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Victim of Crime Compensation Fund offers financial assistance to victims of crime for medical bills. This fund will aid victims in paying medical bills that were incurred due to a violent crime. The paperwork is available from the Victim Assistance office and assistance in filing it can be obtained as well.

Pamphlets, coloring books, and other fliers are available. Some pamphlets are available in Spanish. An interpreter is available for Spanish speaking victims.

Protective Orders

To qualify for a protective order you must at meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Victim of domestic violence or family violence.
  2. Victim of sexual assault.
  3. Victim of stalking.

If you meet one of the above criteria, you can obtain Protective Order paperwork from the Marshall County Clerk and Victim Assistance will help you fill it out.

If you do not meet one of the criteria, you will need to seek the legal advice of a private attorney.

More Information

Victim Assistance is available to speak to any size group on issues such as: Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Elder Abuse, Sexual Assault and other topics. Contact the office for information.

Contact Us

Sharon Dotta,
Victim Assistance Coordinator
112 W Jefferson St
Room 101
Plymouth, IN 46563
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